Edgardo - Lucia di Lammermoor
Conductor | Anthony Barrese
Director | Brian Robertson
Lucia | Kathleen Kim
Edgardo | Joshua Kohl
Enrico | Lee Poulis
Raimondo | Young-Bok Kim
Arturo | James Chamberlain
Annina | Daryl Freedman
Normanno | Steven Uliana
"She is well matched by the Edgardo of Joshua Kohl, the most Italianate of the performance's voices. There is the right kind of heft or squillo in everything he sings. He also exhibits a firm legato which is a key ingredient for this part." - Talkin' Broadway
"Joshua Kohl as Edgardo sang with an expressive and plaintive quality, making you feel his anger and anguish." - Opera Now
"The best support came from tenor Joshua Kohl as Edgardo. He covered the emotional range of the character completely: from tender lover to the furious whirlwind that develops when he believes he was betrayed. His singing was clear and served to contrast that of [Kathleen] Kim." (translated from Spanish) - Pro Ópera
"Kohl's performance of the final Tomb Scene for the tenor...is strongly sung..." - Tampa Bay Times
"Lee Poulis is a powerful and surprisingly sympathetic Enrico and Joshua Kohl is his equal as the hapless Edgardo facing James Chamberlain’s Arturo." - Sarasota Herald-Tribune
"As Lucia’s lover Edgardo...the young tenor proved a handsome hero and solid actor, believable in his anger when he thinks Lucia has betrayed him..."
"...displaying a plangent tenor of vibrancy and singing with ardor..." - South Florida Classical Review