Frederic - The Pirates of Penzance
Conductor | Brian Salesky
Director | Brian Deedrick
Pirate King | Sean Anderson
Major General | Robert Orth
Frederic | Joshua Kohl
Mabel | Claire Coolen
Ruth | Jenni Bank
Sergeant | Andrew Wentzel
Samuel | Ian Bolden
Kate | Brynn Johnson
Edith | Allison Deady
Isabel | Leslie Ostransky
The Pirates of Penzance - Knoxville Opera
"Frederic, the pirate apprentice, terrifically sung and performed by Joshua Kohl..." - Knoxville News Sentinel
"The roles of Frederic and Mabel were sung by tenor Joshua Kohl and soprano Claire Coolen. Both had those endearing qualities necessary for Gilbert and Sullivan: crisp English diction accompanying a strong, gorgeous voice." - Knoxville Mercury