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1526 9th St S
United States


Nemorino - L'elisir d'amore


Conductor | Joseph Walsh
Director | Dorothy Danner

Nemorino | Joshua Kohl
Adina | Jane Redding
Belcore | Stephen Hartley
Dulcamara | Todd Robinson
Giannetta | Allison Pohl



"As Nemorino, the young man who adores Adina, tenor Joshua Kohl sang with a clear, appealing tone that matched his realistic behavior He expressed his words with both fine diction and a clear sense of their meaning. That Kohl handled the considerable vocal challenges so well was impressive...." - The Virginian-Pilot

"Unlike Noel Coward's "potency or power of cheap music" as a stimulus, this whimsical romantic tale goes its merry way with the help of cheap wine. Our hero, the innocent, naive Nemorino, brought to life in a performance that is both amusing and emotionally rich, by the most pleasing, and sure tenor voice of Joshua Kohl is madly in love with the attractive, coquettish Adina..." - WHRO-FM

"As Nemorino. the simple farm boy, Joshua Kohl's portrayal was splendid and his tenor on solid footing throughout, especially in the opera's only blockbuster song, "Una furtive lagrima." - Virginia Gazette

"Joshua Kohl made his company debut as the lovesick country bumpkin Nemorino, giving a sincere and touching performance. The young tenor displayed a bright voice of great size, yet capable of movement and nuance." - Portfolio Weekly